Monday, November 29, 2004

Well & Truely...........

Well may I just say, Martin is a stupid, dumb, psychotic individual. He said to me his dad abused him and now he's out of his life, then he went and said his dad has just read Linzie's blog and now Linzie's in trouble. Yeah right.

Martin is just not right in the head, he said he was going to harm/kill this person called Emma Bateman that he hates that he apparently slept with and is pregnant with what may be his child. He says she is going to pay, pay how is what I want to know. He said the murder of a man was due to him, he says that it was his mugger and he got people to kill him.

This guy is full of idle threats, he bullies people into being his friend and doing what he wants. He even said that because a girl was annoying him he pushed her into a road and a car ran over her leg, breaking it. Also he said he stabbed a person in the leg.

This guy is not right in the head, is he on drugs? He doesn't scare any of us. He is just a hypocrite. He claims the police went round to his house because this "Emma Bateman" was harrassing him and threatening him so I texted him after he told me to go and kill myself etc. and I called him a hypocrite because he was doing the same as this "Emma Bateman" was doing. He apologised and then wanted to make up, hmm yea, then he started on me again.

You can't trust this guy and his empty threats. He must get a kick out of trying to upset people. He can't bully people because people now know what he is like and no one who knows any of my friends will ever trust him. I wouldn't blame them.

That's the lowdown on him, what do you think?

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Eggy Bread Sunday Morning

This morning Kate and I got up (she got up 20minutes before me) and we were on the Sims. I went downstairs, had a cig and a cup of coffee and watched Hollyoaks then went and joined Kate. After we did that we went downstairs, Kate washed and dried up and I was there getting very pissed off at the vacuum cleaner cause I hate vacuuming. Then we made shitloads of Eggy Bread and Bacon Butties and coffee. Kate had some of my mother's homemade coeslaw which is actually really nice. We were absolutely stuffed after that, I don't know how we managed to eat anything after the cook off/eat off last night. Then my mother came home and we quickly washed everything and Kate went home. That was our morning, now I'm going out with Anthony and Sara.

Byeeeeeeee xXx

Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Time I've Not Filled Anyone In...........

Ok basically summed up:
Thursday: Went to college, was boring (can't remember the rest)

Yesterday: Didn't go to college, I slept, it was boring. Realised HOW MUCH of a DICK Martin actually is. See Linzie's blog to see the full conversation of what he said. I was really upset by his remarks and my mother came in and Kate (who I was on the phone to) had to tell my mother cause I was too upset.

Today: Well Kate and I had a wonderful time today. We waited for what felt like forever for the bus then we went to Burnley. We went to the cinema and we saw Bridget Jones' diary which was soo funny. It was sooo good. We got a bucketful, yes you heard me, a bucketful of Candyfloss which was soooo cool between us. We also got two mixed Tango Ice Blasts which were yummy and not that tangy. On our way to McDonalds I got a text from Martin telling me he was sorry and that he still liked me. Then I sorted shouted towards Kate and I was angry at him for making me feel like shit and then saying this. He didn't exactly apologise though which annoyed me. I was just saying how unbelievable that bullshitting person actually is. Grrr..........I'm not falling for that, no one believes I will. He doesn't deserve any sort of chance, what an idiot. On a happier note, Kate and I went to McDonalds and it was yummy and a guy and his cute friend came in and I kept turning round to look at him (Kate was facing him) and we were talking about how cute he was. Kate and I are so sad and our sad stalking techniques hehe.

Well Kate and I went back to hers. She got her clothes and then we went to my house. We have had an excellent time. It was totally awesome!! we had a cook off. Basically we were working against the clock and each other to produce the best tasting/looking meals.

My meal consisted of:
Starter; Eggy Bread and some salady bits
Main Course; Stuffed shrooms with garlic buttery thingy and cheese which lay on lots of noodles
Dessert; Grilled apples, chopped in half with pink and purple Barbie decorations and a weird melted ice-cream sauce over and in the centre sat this weird moosy thing, made from banana, icing sugar, egg whites and lemon juice. It was decorated with silver balls (cease your dirty minds).

Kate's meal consisted of:
Starter; A omlette with mushrooms and cheese
Main Course: A bacon stirfry thing on a bed of noodles
Dessert: Orange yoghurt, lemon yoghurt, and chopped grilled apples with cream on top

It was all very nice, we rated each other and it was a draw despite what Bishy God Pants may say. Everything was sooo yummy though.

Kate is here now, she is talking about how my mother does no work and sits here in her office "just painting her nails and eating this horrible sweetcorn white disgusting goo" which we both thought was sick and we threw behind the shed like 3 weeks ago, (it's still there).

Ok, well, we're going to check on the deceased Kate's adopted and proper children. Aww Julian died too, it's such a shame. But Kate's adopted child/slut decided to go out with the other Julian who looked exactly the same as her father and shag him and let him move in, with his wife (the not deceased Kate) of all people. It is so amusing, it must run in the family, the sluts.

Got to go then, toodles from Loopy Cootie and Tootie Cootie


Thursday, November 25, 2004

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.........

That's my cheesy pun for the fact I went to the hairdressers today. It was my day off college, Wednesday, my mother booked a hair appointment for 10 o clock!!! I had to get up at 8:00 so I had time to wash and dry my hair. It's very annoying. I dragged myself to the hairdressers very tired. A girl I went to school with called Katie Tatterstall did my hair, apparently I was a model. I was falling asleep in the chair I was sooo tired. I just had my hair cut, my fringe cut shorter and my hair dyed an odd colour of blonde which I don't really like.

Anyway, I ended up having my mother come into Tufties (the hair salon) because I was meant to meet her at the shoe shop at 2 and it got to quarter past and they weren't done. My mother and I walked to the shoe shop, she made me try on these hidious (spelt wrong) boots with a small heel that I hated and lied and told her they were too tight. Ewww like I was going to wear them. Then I went to Rays or & Chips as I call it now and got a chip butty, my mother even paid, I was like Woah! what's with all the generosity.

We took a trip to Asda, bought random boring stuff, I lied and said I ran out of numerous things so now I have about 4 of them, far too many.

Then, my mother said we were taking a ride, to my grandmothers. Now this is an awful experience and really does not make me feel any better. Now this woman is going senile, she can't remember my name, can't remember I'm not fluant in Polish and talks to me all odd. My mother told me to talk to her as a child because she has a few screws loose. She can't live in that big house on her own now, walking up and down cellar stairs. She even uses a stone hot water bottle which is unbelievable and she'll have an accident if she keeps moving that up and down the stairs. She should move into a warden controlled flat thing, she's too able to live in a care home.

Anyway I came home, watched The Simpsons and Hollyoaks then went on the net. Then watched Corrie, then The Bill then went on the net for an hour getting ringtones for my mother. Then at 10 I watched Corrie again and now I'm typing this.

I broke up with Martin today and now he's being mean. He said he pities the next person I go out with and he said this:
[22:04:46] Let's all ke: i cnt believe u broke up wiv me!!! wiv me. ure depression wil still be there, it wnt go away. its sumut u need 2 sort out properly. dnt fink we shud be mates coz u'll still be depressed n we'll only fall out. sorry.

Then he had the cheek the text me that I'd have to "cheer up" if we wanted to be mates. Yea Martin you try living like this, see how you like it. How hard it is, and comments like that don't help anyone. Try to understand insted of being a dickhead. Well, who needs friends like that, who say things like that, not anyone. My friends all give me support and help me as much as possible, they don't guilt trip me and certainly don't be mean. You trying being on the edge, feeling like you want to just end it at any moment!!!! People like you disgust me, how can you be so horrible, I would stick by my friends, you just want perfect friends well SCREW YOU. Nick and I have remained friends and he listens to be and gives advice and I do the same back, he's not run off and said "Oh we can't be friends till you cheer up". No, he supports me as do my other friends who give one. I pity anyone who is shallow enough to be like that!

Sara xXx

p.s. I'd like to thank the friends that are there for me like: Kate, Oliver, Jono, Ben, Nick, Miss Sara, Dan, Anthony and Lydia. You guys are really cool and I know you won't just bugger off when I'm upset. You're all special people.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Home Again

Right well I'm home now. I left college and walked with Kris home, I met Kate on the way and we walked up. Kris went up the cemetary path and Kate and I continued to her house, my stomach was growling like a doggie cause I was soo hungry. Kate put pizza and smiles in the oven while I made a really badly made cheese sandwich. Kate and I then got Jess to let us borrow the grudge so we went into Kate's wendy house/room and ate food and watched the movie. I have to say, Kate jumped at everything!!! It was tres amusant. I didn't jump once but just burst out laughing when someone walked back and forth at the bottom of the screen because it was a copy DVD filmed at the cinema. Poor Kate was terrified and got scared when she went to the toliet incase the little boy was there. Bless her.

I came home, watched something then half of Wife Swap with my mother then Ben came. We went upstairs to my room, he smoked a spliff out my window while I watched Teachers then he looked through my Nirvana book and then he watched Teachers with me. He was telling me how shit he thought it was then he changed his mind and decided it was good. Silly goose.

Anyway, now, I've just finished watching Teachers and Ben's left so I'm writing this, checking out other peoples then playing Sims 2.

I'm getting my hair re-done tomorrow, cut and dyed, with weird bleach blonde streaks in. I never liked it but my mother won't let me have anything else done, although bright red hair might be cool. Anyway I'll stop writing now.

Sara xXx

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Great, Only A Week Left

Only a week left till all arguements break out and everyone hates everyone. Well, it's already started.

Anyway, Sunday, disaster. I met Martin about half past 5 on Sunday evening and he decided to go to Manchester. All round Manchester Nick was all he went on about (Yes, you did Martin!), I didn't mention him, I only defended him. Anyway we were going to go on the big wheel in Manchester but we got lost. We were walking around for like 3 fucking hours : Was tiring. We managed to end up walking into China town which was cool. Lots of scary looking neon lights and dead, skinned ducks in the window. A homeless person came up to us, said something about being Irish but not drinking and apparently he was set alight in his sleeping bag outside and had just come out of hospital, apparently it was in the paper. He went on about trying to raise £3 to get into a shelter for the night, Martin gave him 25p awww, if I had loads and loads of money like teenagers normally don't I'd give him £10, so he could get something else. This other scary old hobo woman scared us to, she asked for change but she had a deep growly voice and she was, well, weird. We ended up with 20min left and decided to go to McDonalds then get the bus. When we got off the bus in Rawtenstall Martin went all moody and then was ok again. That was kinda annoying.

Awwwwwwww Monday, I felt soooo mean on Kate. Her and Julian were still together, they had adopted a kid called Cari, had one called Jake, adopted one called Blake (we couldn't name the adopted ones) and was pregnant. She got out of bed, Kate that is, and died then Julian died so now there's a teenger, child and toddler wandering about. Awwww, poor things. (This is all the Sims 2 btw). Monday was boring, I was filming all day and then Jono and Simon wanted to get out of lessons so they came with Ben and I while we filmed the coffee machine. Ben and I felt they were kinda interferring and wouldn't let us do our film and Kris told them this (after tutorial) and now Simons being a tosser. He keeps saying really snide remarks. Monday evening was tres enneyeux.

Today is Tuesday. I had this morning off, didn't want to come in, told them I was at the doctors. Went in this afternoon for writing for the screen. I came down the stairs during lunch and Ben, Richard and Simon went away. When I asked them Simon said they ran away. I actually found this really hurtful and I donno why. I ended up crying in bloody lesson and going out. i felt soo stupid. But soo upset and I don't know why. I'm going to tell Ben on the way home what's up. He's being really nice. One rule, don't say anything too horrible to a depressed person, they WILL take it personally and get upset over it. Usually they wouldn't but they can't help it.

OK, we're going home in 10 minutes so I'll come online after and tell you how meeting Kate went and the rest of my boring evening.

Sara xXx

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Bradly Cat (10 Days Till My Birthday, Not Good)

Not sure what's with the title, but it's cool. Well, Martin and I are now going out from Thursday, weird specially after our big arguement. Apparently I was banned from Greggs in Rawtenstall, oh woe me? Well anyway, I was really upset yesterday (Friday), I didn't tell anyone apart from Thom and Dan. I didn't even tell Kate, I just accused her of shouting at me and being a bad friend. I'm so lovely. I've just been so down, it's really annoying.

Well today to cheer me up, Kate took me to Burnley and we had McDonalds. We went to Music Zone and saw Roly who I used to work with and we were telling him how jealous we are of his job. I bought three new badges, one that is Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, one that says "You look like shit. Is that the style now?" and one that says "I don't discriminate. I hate everyone." Katie-Jane helped me choose them. We also decided to go to JD Sports to see if we could see Sarah Flint or Brinkysaures, we only saw Brinkysaures, not wonderful. She didn't see us though I think.

Today in Burnley we saw Nick's new girlfriend Hayley. Apparently I've been told her nickname is "Hayley Coy, Smell Boy" charming, and also BUG (Butt-Ugly Girl). People are sooo nice......not. Anyway Nick's all pissed off with me now cause I told him I was fed up of his bitching and bullshitting to people, he may not realise, everything comes back to me! Oh, and he said I insulted him by saying "He only goes out with people that fancy him". He took that totally the wrong way and now he's all pissed off and not talking to me. Fine, whatever he wants.

I lost my return ticket so I had to spend £1.70 getting a new one, that's only 50p cheaper than a return. One was not amused.

Kate and I hopped into Focus on our way home to pick up some bulbs for my Twinkle Lamp and to enquire about a job. We got the bulbs for the Twinkle Lamp but they had no vacancies for jobs. Oh well.

Anyway, Kate and I came home and played Sims 2, dirty Kate "Woohoo"d with Julian and now Kate's pregnant. Even worse! Next Kate will be a Crack Whore just like Miffy! Dirty biatch, my character and Wayne (my other character) weren't allowed to do anything because Kate wanted to concentrate on herself and Julian. Grrrr. Well, it was made that Julian and Wayne were brother, Wayne and I were a couple and Julian and Kate were a couple. It was sooo fun. We played for about 3-4 hours. Didn't get bored once.

OK so right now Nick and I have made friends yay. Kate is planning my birthday:
katie-jane * suddenly it is clear to see, that it is not them but me, who has lost my self-identity.* says:
after school on your birthday you can come to mien and ill do a cake and stuff do yuo want to?!
katie-jane * suddenly it is clear to see, that it is not them but me, who has lost my self-identity.* says:
there's a little event in the way called parent and student evening, but its sorted! its only like an hour and you can come with me, mum and dad, and then we will go back to mine, i really didnt want to miss your birthdya so you xcan come to mine adn we can have cake and ill decorte my room with happy birhtday sara banners and then after tea we will go to brgs for an hour and then go back to mine ok? You can laugh at my bad reviews.
katie-jane * suddenly it is clear to see, that it is not them but me, who has lost my self-identity.* says:
im sorry about it, when i got the letter, i was like 'oh shit! its on sara's birthday!'
katie-jane * suddenly it is clear to see, that it is not them but me, who has lost my self-identity.* says:
and i will make a cool cake, get pizzas, and stuff etc.

Awww how sweet is Kate. Damn she's gone offline. Well ok. I'll post another time.


Stolen from BGP

name: Sara-Franciszka Elizabeth Kime
birthdate: November 30 1987
birthplace: Sharoe Green Hospital, Preston
current location: Rawtenstall, Rossendale, Lancashire, England, UK
eye color: green/blue
hair colour: Awful
height 5'9.5
righty or lefty: righty
zodiac sign: Sagittarius (or however you spell it)
your heritage: Polish I think
shoes you wore today: my black and pink VANS :D
your weakness': Kate told me it was hair :S anymore info and you'll know too much....
your fears: Loneliness, I'm sure there's more
your perfect pizza: Tons and tons of cheeeeeeeeese
you'd like to achieve: I'd like to get a good enough grade on my media course and
then go to uni and work in the Media or PR
your most over used phrase on msn: hey
your first waking thoughts: I'm too tired, I really should go back to sleep
your best physical feature: My height and my eyes
your most missed memory: Not quite sure as of yet
Pepsi or Coke: Always Coca Cola
McDonald's or Burger King: Mc Donalds
single or group dates: Single but group ones can be fun
Adidas or Nike: Ewwww neither
Lipton ice tea or Nesta: Never heard of Nesta so Lipton Ice Tea
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate if it's food and Vanilla I think if it's drink
cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino!
smoke: socially sometimes
cuss: All the time, too much apparently
sing: On my own :P I won't subject too many people to my singing
take a shower everyday: Of course
do you think you've been in love: Yes
want to go to college: I am at college :s
want to get married: I think so
think you're attractive: Eww no, I have seen myself in the mirror
think you're a health freak: Nope
get along with your parent(s): Nope
play an instrument: Keyboard, bit of guitar and bass guitar
in the past month...drank alcohol: Yup
....done a drug: Nope
....made out: Oooo yup
....gone on a date: Yup
....gone to the mall: I went to Manchester?
....eaten an entire box of Oreos: Never tried Oreos
....eaten sushi: Ewww fish
....been on stage: Nope
....been dumped: Broke up with someone
....gone skating: Nope
....made homemade cookies: My mother has?
....dyed your hair: No, but very very soon
....stolen anything: Nope
ever...played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
if so, was it mixed company: Lol Yes
been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yup
been caught "doing something": Fortunately not
been called a tease: Yes, I'm not though
gotten beaten up: Yup
shoplifted: I took some party poppers from Asda when I was 8
changed who you were to fit in: Nah, not worth it, they should accept you for who you are
age you hope to be married: Oh yea, I sooo specify that
numbers and names of children: Ewww children!
describe your dream wedding: I don't plan that far ahead
how do you want to die: With no pain, but in ecstacy
where you want to go to uni: Don't mind, preferably in Stirling, Scotland
what do you want to be when you grow up: Something in the Media or PR
what country would you most like to visit: Kate put New York (that's a city dumbass) I'd like to visit America
number of drugs taken illegally: Two
number of people I could trust with my life: 2
numberof CD's that I own: 70/80 odd
number of tattoos: None
number of pierings: Just my ears, very boring
number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Probably only once
number of scars on my body: Loads
number of things in my past that I regret: Probably everything

I nicked this from Kate :P oh the shame.

Things to do: Teach Kate that New York isn't a country, it's a city and America/USA is the country it is in

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Here I Am Pretending To Do Work

Well today is Thursday, I'm in Radio at the moment and bored, too bored. Yesterday my ex step dad Colin sent a horrible text that I will hold against him. He was bitching about my mother to me so in a big arguement I told her, but not everything, just one little mistake that wouldn't mean much to anyone else. Well then my mother confronted him and now he's in a big sulk with my mother and sent me a text saying 'You big gob, remind me never to tell you anything again'. So, as far as I'm concerned, he's out my life. He's been and gone three times and I don't need it anymore. Screw him, grrrrr.

Today I'm meant to meant to meet up with Fletcher aka Oliver aka Ash aka Scott; his girlfriend and his friend Twatman (real name Joe apparently). If he does turn up is another matter, oh well, I can just relax, maybe I need this time on my own.

Spoke to kate for like 2 minutes on the phone yesterday cause Kim wouldn't let her go and for 15minutes she was telling her she had to go do her Media work or something. Silly Kim. Anyway, Kate went to open evening on Wednesday for BRGS not sure how it went cause I haven't spoke to her. She said she'd ring me tonight.

Well, after all the aggro and shouting and being horrible Martin and I have made friends. Lovely, I guess. Anyway, I think it's for the best.

I'm just going to now pretend to do some relavent work but go on Habbo Hotel. I'll report back on how my day went afterwards.

Sara xXx

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Spreading Like a Disease.........

Today is Tuesday, and I was sick 5 times last night, that is sooo annoying. Lovely information for you all. Well anyway, I'm ill. I didn't go to college today cause I felt like shit but my mother still managed to shout and scream at me regardless. Stupid biatch. And to top it off, my glands are swollen and I feel like a pumpkin got stuck in my throat. And you can tell I'm not in the best of moods :P oh well. Today I woke up at 7:30, regular time for a college day, realised I feel awful, recieved a bollocking off my mother and went to sleep till 12:30pm. I felt knackered when I woke up.

Anyway, my day has been spent lying in bed or going downstairs, depends where my mother is in the house, I tried desperately to avoid her. About quarter past 2 I went on the computer because my mother finishes work at 1. I put on the Sims 2 and biatch mother comes in and immediately starts shouting and screaming and saying 'the computers been on since 9 and now you're wasting electricity, are you stupid'. Damn, I only just thought of a good come-back, bit late now. I was gonna tell her when she was working from 9 till 5 she was using the electricity anyway. Well, moving on, I got my own way cause I just muttered 'yes mother you biatch' at her everytime and she stormed off telling me she hated me. Oh well, the feelings mutual dear. At 4 I just watched TV then just watched The Simpsons and Hollyoaks. Then came on the net. That was my ultra boring day.

But, ah-ha, that's where you thought the essay ended, I think not readers my online conversations (how sad am I) became increasingly interesting. I basically rejected Martin then he started up on how I was a complete bitch and the school bike and Rossendale Slag. Well, I don't go to his damn school and I've only been out with Nick from his sixth form so he can go screw himself there. Anyway, he was being horrible and Miss. Sara & Kate (I love you both dearly) defended me and basically told him he was a pathetic loser ^_^ yay for my darling friends.

Well anyway, I came off the net so Kate could ring me and tell me how funny, witty etc. this friend of hers from BRGS called Nick Slawicz was. She only likes him as a friend though! And then I phoned my dear friend, Oliver Fletcher aka Fletch aka Scott aka Ash. Whatever tickles your fancy. We had a lovely talk about how his girlfriend Abi's mom is a Rock DJ for Jilly's in Manchester and he has free tickets to take friends. We were talking about this meal he's taking me on for being a "good friend" and how we should meet up on our own cause we haven't seen each other for a bit. He decided to bring both Abi and Joe (Twatman) from college on Thursday. I didn't think he quite got the point.

Anyway, Martin apologised and apparently we're mates, pff pfft and fucking PFFT! lol. I'm angry, grrrrrr. I'm talking to Jason (my ickle windmill) at the moment and we're gonna play pool. So, until my next ultra boring long essay. Au revoir, Sara xXx

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Monday Blues

Awww today I woke up at 7:45 and felt sooo sick. I saw Kate when she was ill so I might of caught it off her, goddamit. Well I went to TV & Video Techniques and it ruled. We were filming our assignment, my friend Bennyjamin was the actor and two people from my course, Ste and Charlotte were the recorder of camera shots etc. and the cameraman. I was the director, I actually really enjoyed it. Can't wait for next Monday.

Anyway, I had lunch in the canteen with Claire, Simon, Ben & Richard and I started feeling really ill and sat through tutorial hoping it'd finish soon cause I felt so sick. I decided not to go to Film Studies cause I felt so so bad :( On my way home I bought a mouse for my computer because the other one was a plain, old, boring one that was difficult to use so I got a laser one for only £10. Yay.

I came home, was about to play my game of Sims 2 that I bought that morning but my dumbass mother decided she wanted to write a letter, so typical! So I didn't get on the com till 4:30pm.

Sims 2 is pretty good, but when you're designing the house etc. the camera angle is all awkward, I preferred the camera angle in Sims 1 but oh well. The rest is cool, the design a character and the neighbourhoods, well anyway, it rules beyond belief. I love it ^.^ me and my illness love the game. I recommend it to anyone.

Lol to Kate. She likes my TV & Video Techniques teacher guy called Daniel. This Daniel looks about 23 and works in Asda too. I found out today he is actually 29, with his girlfriend and they have a kid. Awww poor Kate.

OK, well I'm going to go and find "Traditional Polish Folk Music" for my mother. My Ciocia (aunty) and her plan to get my Polish Babcia (grandmother) a little CD player and Polish Music cause well, she has never touched a CD before :P.

Ta'ra chickens, Sara xXx

Monday, November 15, 2004

Ever So Typical.........

All that defending of Nick and we just broke up. So typical, eh? Oh well, I'm free and single, first time in 8 months :D yay for me. It's for the best, we'll still be good frendies. I'm still buying him that alarm clock for his Christmas present lol :P the guy wants one for some odd reason. I'm sure he'll get annoyed with it eventually.

Well, I'm free and single. All is well. Don't think I missed it though, but I do have offers mwahahaha. Hmm.....that doesn't sound too good. Oh well. This day just can't get much better, lol, see the sarcasm?

Love me xXx

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Sunday..........Day of Supposed Rest

Well last night was in my opinion a disaster!! Martin, Kate and I went out, we were meant to be going to the cinema but we wouldn't make the last bus so we ended up going to Burnley and to McDonalds. Then we walked around the new Tescos for god knows how long putting random things into the trolley. But Martin was being his usual insulting self so I was doing my jokey walking off things (I know how much it annoys people, but it's funny to me). Then Martin stormed off. In Tesco's Kate and I stalked these two cute guys hoping they'd lead us to their other two cute friends, they went to the checkout. Pfft. We were disappointed. Well yea Martin came back up again then stormed off again cause I am apparently 80% annoying. Oh well yet he still likes me, pfft sure. OK, so the last time he stormed off he didn't just go down the escaltor, no, he went to the bus station. He rang Kate and said I had to apologise so I did and he was still moody. He kept stopping Kate to tell her how much I was annoying him.

Anyway, we got back to Rawtenstall and everyone was talking fine me thinks and then everyone took everyone else off to talk to them. It's ultra annoying. Then we went to Asda and went back to Rawtenstall bus station. He bought me this bottle of coke and then he asked if he could have some and in a jokey way I said "You bought it for me, you have to ask" and he took that completely the wrong way flung the bottle out my hands and I started crying cause it reminded me of my mother and I got really upset and Kate was hugging me and well, I didn't want to speak to him. Kate and I walked a bit home then we got lazy and got a taxi.

When we got back to mine after getting frost bite Martin decided to spend £12 on a taxi up to mine to apologise and explain himself or something and he did. But, I don't know, I was terrified, I wouldn't have seen him unless Kate was with me. Now I'm just scared. I'd be scared everytime he stressed and that's not the basis for anything, especially not a friendship and so I'll just see how it goes.

He rang up this morning about the fact we were meant to go ride the buses and I was hmm I donno. Then he rang up, and I said I couldn't be bothered walking down to town and he said something along the lines of "so I'm not even worth getting ready for". DID I SAY THAT!!! NO I DIDN'T! Grrrr. OK, so he rang back, apparently one of my friends said he tried to guilt trip me and said things like "I bought a rose and everything". Yeah ok you did, but that can't change me being scared, it isn't my fault, I don't want to be. But for now, I'm not sure what to do.
I apologise to anyone who's reading this who finds this offensive, I am sorry, please don't have a go at me, it's how I feel right at this moment in time. I have made the right choice now, and my friends have helped me, they can always see the picture from the outside and seem to know what's best for me.

I just want to thank my lovely friends who put up with me, all my little things that I do and they accept, cause it's me. They are so special to me, and I thank them all, I love them so much and I want them to know, I'll always be there for them, in the worst circumstances and the best. We will always have our memories and I hope we'll always be friends.


Saturday, November 13, 2004

Thank God It's Friday!

Well today is Friday. Jono, Ben & I were meant to be skipping college and going to Blackburn but Ben couldn't be arsed so we're going next week I think. Today I had one lesson, Film Studies. We watching Point Break and now I seem to find Keanu Reeves very very very HOT! Silly me hey. Too influenced by the hotness *drools* cough back to this. Well, of course the lesson was tres enneyeux! And to top the awful morning off while I was walking home my vans got soaked, as did my socks and my jeans were soaked to the middle of my shin. Grrr. When I got home I got changed into my comfy PJ bottoms and just chilled out. I got numerous calls and texts off Martin and I've just been off the phone to Katie Jane. The poor sod is extremely tired awww. I might be going to hers tomorrow to do work there cause I lack motivation indefinately. Well, I'll go now while I talk to Linzie, Tom (her ex) and the forever wonderous Miss Sara.

Yay 20minutes on and Thom is online as is Katie Jane and her wonderous tired self. Yay. People to talk to.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Thursdays Child Has Far To Go...

Well today I decided not to go to college in the morning because I was too damn tired. So I got my lazy ass out of bed at about 11, got ready and went to college in time for the afternoon lesson, Understanding the Media. Wonderous, I think not. oooo but Jono, Kris & I were in a group and we went out and had to list loads of adverts, what the advert was, where and the target audience. We got 113, go us! We won a Mars bar each, lovely.

I met Martin today, the guy that liked Kate and vice versa. Quite a funny story, I hadn't met the guy before so I went into the bus station and kinda sat there waiting. I kept looking at my phone and at this guy who was sitting there. I then tried to send a text to Martin but I had 8p credit, soo typical so I then recieved a text from Martin. "Where are you?". The tone didn't go off cause I accidently cancelled it so I decided to prank him and funnily enough he was the guy stood opposite! We just sorta looked at each other and laughed. The woman in between us must of thought we were loonies! There we were both standing there then suddenly we both laughed and walked off talking. Truely odd.

Anyway, Martin and I walked about trying to kill time till my mother went to the gym and then we went in and I shoved a pizza under the oven and then we decided to start play fighting. Of course in my opinion I kicked his arse :P We ate the pizza then after we went to meet Kate after work. We saw her and we all just messed around and I accidently spilt Martins drink everywhere cause I dropped it, what a waste of money and then as a joke he tried hitting the chip carton that Kate brought up and I dropped it and that was the poor chips gone :( We all chilled at Kates then I had to walk Martin to the bus station. He wants to meet up on Saturday now and on Sunday he wants to get a day rover and basically go on all the buses different places. Odd but funny. Hopefully Kate will come out at some point although they've both decided they don't like each other pfft.

OK, I'm going to stop writing my essay now and carry on talking to Thom and Dan. I'll write tomorrow but for now, byee :) Sara xXx

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Another Wednesday.....

Today is just another day in my life, another boring boring day. It was my day off college today I spent it being woke up at about 8 by the mother happily vacuuming my bedroom, wonderous. Then she got a new phone and I was helping her do everything but it's very difficult to help someone who doesnt have a clue about phones yet still thinks she knows best. Very annoying.

I went to meet my boyfriends friend Tom today who, the day before split up with his girlfriend Linzie. The poor sod seems really upset but everyone think it's his fault and he blames my boyfriend. It's all really confused. Well he was sending text messages but they didn't seem that dirty, well, what would I know.

Yay for my friend Kate, a guy called Martin likes her and she likes him. She was aprehensive about saying yes to the fact he's gonna ask her out tomorrow, I hope she says yes. He seems pretty cool from speaking to him on the phone. I just hope Kate says yes and he treats her right.

That's all I can be bothered putting for today so ciao. Sara xXx

Hey Ho

Well, look at this tester, Tester, Funky, Rawh, Nice. Well look at the world today, it doesn't seem particularly different, oh well, it's all in my head.