Monday, February 28, 2005

Well I was still ill on Friday. Found out it was just a 48 hour thing. My mother was out all day leaving me to myown poorly devices. My bloody migraine's have come back, it really annoys me. Shaun was kinda ill too, but after drinking Martini and lemonades I felt kinda better. I packed my things away and got a taxi about 4:30pm but it didn't arrive till like 5. So I got there and Shaun was playing this game. I was bored cause he was only playing one player. We chilled out the rest of the evening. Anyway, we played two player finally on this game called Timesplitters 2 which he was playing before. I completely loved killing everyone on the death matches, it was awesome. Yea we had a good chilled out weekend. Didn't do anything hardly. I drank my big bottle of Lambrini that I bought on Wednesday with the money my Babcia had given me. The stupid Playstation crashed as we did story co-op at the end of the Aztec level. It did it three times so we gave up. I'm really annoyed now, we were going to kick everyone's arse on the co-op :(

Anyway, I came home this morning still with an annoying migraine (had it since Friday) but at least my stomachache and cold had disappeared but my head was awful. My vision went in and out of focus, blurred and little black spots in front of my eyes. I called the doctors surgery at 8 and my mother got the appointment after me to see Dr. Baach because he's the best doctor out of the three of them. He gave me some old medication that I had previously took for my migraine's. I took one when I got in the car but they didn't work throughout the day. I've just got the get on with it. It's weird to have the migraine's back; it's been a long time with shitty memories. Anyway, I've just finished a glass of milk so I'm going to post this, talk online for a bit then go and do whatever.

Au revoir


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